News Article


Protecting your business

Having a great team of people by your side can be amazing. Knowing you have their support, their passion and their knowledge gives you the peace of mind to grow your business and take advantages of opportunities because you have a capable team behind you.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve seen what the unexpected can do to our businesses. For some, it’s devastating, for others, it’s challenging and scary at best.

So, what can you do to protect your business from further unexpected problems?
There are steps that you can take to protect the business from costly and time-consuming issues.

  1. Ensure you are fully compliant with the right employment procedures. Having the correct documents detailing contractual agreements, policies and procedures is imperative to outline the rules and regulations for your business.
  2. Be vigilant with the details provided to employees in terms of expectations, roles and responsibilities and be active with your communications. Make information accessible and open to all including opportunities for employees to ask questions, raise concerns and be heard in a non-judgmental or discriminatory manner.
  3. Take a fully insured policy to protect yourself against the costly fees associated with legal representation and awards. The right policy will pay for all the associated defence and tribunal awards up to £125k per claim or up to £1 million aggregate.

Who can help?
Outsourced, human resource specialists provide a critical resource to business owners in terms of getting the right advice, first time. If you don’t have an in-house specialist, talk to an external company like SFB Consulting, who can become an external advisor for your business.

An HR expert will translate the law and help you to fully understand your rights as an employer and those of your employee. This means that you can make informed and effective decisions while protecting your business.

Often a business owners first time calling a specialist is because there is a problem and they need help. This is absolutely the right step and will help them to resolve the issue in alignment with the law. However, preventing people problems is always better than the cure and ideally something that every business should be doing.

Mitigating Risk
Having the right policies and procedures in place will help you to get the most out of your people but also protect the business should things go wrong. Without them, you’re putting your business and your employees at significant risk.

HR experts will keep you up to date with the latest legislation, advise on handling all employee issues, including employee contracts, handbooks, disciplinary, redundancy and internal matters.

Talk to the experts and find out how we can help you navigate employment law and all the complexities of managing people.

Please contact us directly at SFB Consulting for more specific advice on your current situation. You can call us on 01279 874676 or email us at or visit our website